Here's what I learned from living life offline for a year — Black Unicorn Prose

Here's what I learned from living life offline for a year

1. Your absence will elicit creative ‘or so you’ think pieces, that are written by the unfulfilled and always misspelled - perhaps the story is that you’re alone, other times you’re with everyone. You’ll be thought of as being everywhere or nowhere at all. You've let go, you’re holding on, you grew horns. When this happens, know that it means you’re doing life right - unpredictably.

2. Red flags don’t turn green. And even if they did, green means go. 

3. Happiness is not a highlight reel used to hide bloopers. 

4. Spending 9 months out of the year on a plane teaches you to carefully cultivate the space you call home. 365 days, four countries, and seven states later, I learned that while leaving home is thrilling, coming back to peacefully digest the journey is an equal reward. 

5. We risk wearing time like a straight jacket and sometimes confuse the straps with loyalty. Use the years you spend with anyone as an opportunity for growth, not as a trap. 

6. The hungry person does the work required to be fed, but the starving is desperate for anything you put on their plate. 


Glaciers in Greenland

Glaciers in Greenland
